Product Description
Our Cesar dog food comes in recyclable packaging, helping our environmentCESAR Senior dog food offers 8 fresh, tasty and 100% complete meals, across 4 delicious recipes in jelly, specially crafted for your dog's needs, being gentle on the stomach for easy digestion, and prepared with healthy, natural ingredients that your dog will love. A dog food tray that offers everything your canine friend could want from wet dog food, offering a complete dog food option for your dog.
100% Complete & Balanced, our senior wet dog food is made with high quality ingredients
Cesar dog food provides locked in freshness, meaning your dog will enjoy tasty senior dog food just as it's meant to taste
Our senior dog food tray eight pack includes 4 specially crafted dog food in jelly recipes for Senior dogs with: tender Chicken & Rice,succulent Beef &Vegetables,juicy Lamb &Peas,savoury Turkey & Rice
No added sugar, artificial colours or flavours.
Just pure, tasty tender mixed Cesar dog foodFeeding instructions: Allow a transition phase, adjust amounts and divide it into meals according to your pet's needs. Visit our website or call our Consumer Careline for feeding information. Fresh water should always be available. Serve food at room temperature, surplus food can be chilled for up to 2 days.
Daily Feeding Recommendation
Tray Only - 5 kg: 2 - 2 1/4; 10 kg: 3 1/2 - 4; 15 kg: 4 3/4 - 5 1/4
Tray + Dry Food - 5 kg: 1 + 35 g; 10 kg: 1 1/2 + 65 g; 15 kg: 2 + 90 g
119 kcal 150 g
Your dog can be regarded as 'senior' from 10 years old. We recommend to feed a mix of complete wet CESAR® and a dry food.With Chicken and Rice: Meat and Animal Derivatives (including Chicken Liver* 4% in the Chunk**), Cereals (including Rice 1.1%, equivalent to Cooked Rice 14%), Minerals, Vegetable Protein Extracts, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin
*Natural Ingredients
**Chunk typically 46% of the product, With Beef and Vegetables: Meat and Animal Derivatives (including Beef* 4% and Chicken Liver* 4% in the Chunk**), Vegetables (including a Mix of Dried Carrots and Peas 0.8%, equivalent to Carrots and Peas Mix 4.5%), Cereals, Minerals, Vegetable Protein Extracts, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin
*Natural Ingredient
**Chunk typically 46% of the product, With Lamb and Peas: Meat and Animal Derivatives (including Lamb* 4% and Chicken Liver* 4% in the Chunk**), Vegetables (including Dried Peas 1.2%, equivalent to Peas 4%), Cereals, Minerals, Vegetable Protein Extracts, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin
*Natural Ingredients
**Chunk typically 46% of the product, With Turkey and Rice: Meat and Animal Derivatives (including Turkey* 4% and Chicken Liver* 4% in the Chunk**), Cereals (including Rice 1.1%, equivalent to Cooked Rice 4%), Minerals, Vegetable Protein Extracts, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin
*Natural Ingredients
**Chunk typically 46% of the product